I Need Time

For the past week, I’ve been move to the office to do my new task. It’s sales and marketing. Alhamdulillah, there’s a new prospect to catch it, so I don’t have to find new client. Eniwei byteway buswae, my responsibilities is to maintain and find new prospect in this office surrounded by 6 main building.

The administration proccess is very-very exhausted, not physical but psicis too, because the requirement is absoloutely very2 strange, at least for me 🙂

But hey wake up!, this is good for me after 4 years in old position, right now is my change to face new task, explore new world in sales and marketing, learn a lot about new things, get to know the people on the highest level, do the lobbys with client and a lot of things again that I believe will pop up in the future.

Time, that’s all I need to learn and understand all of those thing, I don’t if my past education (marketing) will be useful, or my knowledge in making money from adsense ( what??, you

4 thoughts on “I Need Time”

  1. Selamat buat manuver karir-nya, semoga bisa langgeng dan betahserta terus semangat yah.. memangbuat mereka yang mau maju ya.. harus mau shifting gears elsewehere, either it is lateral move to another department, learning new skills or perhaps moving to another branch.

    Salam hangat dari negeri si bau kelek 😀


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