Menulis atau ngeblog

Menulis atau ngeblog sudah semakin jarang, akankah tren ini akah segera berakhir?

Komitmen awal adalah menuangkan pikiran kedalam tulisan, agar kita punya data-data tentang pikiran itu, jika kita lupa, kita bisa melihat ketulisan disini.

Menulis dengan pulpen? lebih baik tidak deh, karena saya sendiri (seringkali) tidak bisa membaca tulisan sendiri :). Apakah para apoteker bisa membaca tulisan saya?

Dulu pernah bercita-cita menjadi seorang dokter yang bisa membantu orang lain (cieeeh) dan mengabdikan diri kepada nusa dan bangsa, tapi yang terjadi adalah menjadi seorang opisboy dan bekerja melayani tuannya.


My mind always thinking about a lot of thing, that I can’t think anymore. Right now who is your master? I say money is the master, why? The hedonism lifestyle like dining out in expensive place (to me), using credit card for buying things that actually can wait until the cash money ready, and unexpected expense make me suffer in debt.

My money management (do I have it? ) is ruin upside down left to right, it’s like sky falling down to my head (like obelix said).

Then what is the impact to me? When I have a lot of thinking I try to find something that can cool me down, guess what? it’s food. I can have lunch at 12 pm with rice and full of stuff, somay at 4 pm and sate padang at 6 pm. Don’t forget dinner at around 7:30 pm 😐

Emotional eater, that’s what Adis said about my behavior when I told my menu for today. This is not good because it cost me a lot, gain some weight that I try to loose some and still my thinking is the same 🙁

Right now I’m trying to solve a lot of my thinking, My money problem? Well I have to take my future saving for help me on debt.

Next step? I have to find other income, how? well I’m trying about stocks and mutual fund, actually I’m trying with stock.


find new job with salary range between x – xx million (is this enough? errrr)


2 thoughts on “Menulis atau ngeblog”

  1. Salam kenal dulu. muter2 nyampe sini.
    Saya kira tidak perlu khawatir trend blogging akan berakhir. Kalau dia mengalami pasangsurut bisa dimkalumi, seperti dunia IT sendiri yg juga beberapa kali mengalami “bubble growth”, toh IT tak akan pernah mati; mgkin semacam metamorfose iya. Ngblog kyknya juga gitu..

    Yang penting ngeblognya dari awal sebaiknya punya “visi/misi” yg jelas, punya target market sendiri, dst.. (ini sih sebagian kata para blogger senior, kan?)..
    eh.. maap kok malah kayak ceramah..

    let’s continue blogging for anything useful for ourselves and others

    Wassalam dulu deh..


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