For the past few week I hava anoying problem with my blog, the theme is changing by it self. I don’t know why this happen. I believe my password is unbreakable, it’s not easy to solve.
What I do to this problem
- I remove all of my themes that already in my themes directory. The result is good, my blog is not changing again
I think I have solve this problem, but I was wrong, suddenly the blog don’t appear anything at all. When I check on the wordpress dashboard -> presentation, there’s no theme at all :(( I don’t know why.
But then I upload another theme then my blog appear again 😐
Well until I write this post, I have not fix this problem, I don’t know is it my hosting problem or wordpress problem.
Anyone can help ?
I think it’s because of one of the plugin, when I deactivate the plugin, the error is not coming again
ada setannya kale. elo udah pasang sajen, blom?
sorry, ngawur ajah… wekekekekekkkekkkk…
Looks like it’s a hosting problem to me. Check the server if there’s any cronjobs or any other thing which might affect the wp-content/themes directory.
Sorry can’t help much. 🙂
If you had access to the web server log, maybe you can find that the wordpress sometime failed on loading some themes/plugins because of bad scripting of the themes it self, not the wordpress or the hosting (webserver).
mudah-mudahan tiasa ka bantos… salam kenal ah… 🙂
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