this is a old picture of me 🙂 from year 2005 if I’m not wrong. On the end of road JL. M. H. Thamrin
Taken with S700i by my self
this is a old picture of me 🙂 from year 2005 if I’m not wrong. On the end of road JL. M. H. Thamrin
Taken with S700i by my self
buset….. masih aja di pajang nih foto ?
*angkat pigura masukin ke tong sampah*
#2, maaf gw udah nikah
Andri, gimana lamaran gue? diterima gakk ;)) hihihihi,
btw lo berarti kurusan dikit ya ndri dr di foto itu 😛
kok pipinya gak tembem ????