Apparently for the past few days, my blog can’t be accessed but I didn’t now that :((
I thought this blog is e o kay, because I always go to approve the comment that come to this blog.
Today when my wife told me that I can’t access this blog I quickly check the index.php then I found the problem
Someone have hack to my ftp account and change the content of index.php to link to <!– ~ –><iframe src=’’ width=1 height=1 style=’visibility: hidden;’></iframe><!– ~ –>
Damn #^$#@#&234572572457248246553hdfghafgasgasdg
My all your gallery burn in hell hell hell
ps: I should listen to dreamhost warning that I should change ftp password.
welkam bek!
Lama gak mampir kesini, gila iklannya makin banyak aja ya :p
Buruan ganti tuh passwd. Kok bisa kena hack ya?
Change password, quick, quick!!!
hoo.. ganti password ahhh..