Trip to yogya for 3Days 2 night has make my weight increase for 2 more kg :((
Since there’s no more economic seat in GA flight on monday, my office book me business class seat with more executives privileges, 1 of the privilege is I can get into executive lounge, where all free food and drink are there :).
First target when I entered executive lounge is the drink, there’s orange juice, tea and coffee, next target is breakfast, there nasi goreng, bubur ayam and nasi uduk, but where’s nasi uduk? I only saw people eat it but there’s no nasi uduk on the table. While I’m searching for nasi uduk, then the waiter put some green package on the stove. YES! that is nasi uduk!.
In the speed of light, I grab the green package and put it on the piring (forget 🙂 ).
Go to the table then open it, looks yummy 🙂
Do you want it?
where I give you the screenshoot 🙂
jadi ngiler?? maklum browsing sambil klaperan
Nasi uduknya compact ya, hihihihi….
In the speed of light, I grab the green package and put it on the PLATE
emang dasar judulnya aja GMR *ga mau rugi* =))