When you have a lot of things on your laptop or pc (do you still use pc?) sometimes you forget the important of your data until you lose them?
True or false?
Most of you will say it’s true, data is just not your paper work, but photo, video of your memory with your love one or friends that it can’t be done again together
How do you backup? Me personally using the free stuff from the owner of internet (yeah), Google, like Google doc for important document and photo. It have a lot of space of that enough for me (well not exactly enough, but it’s okay). If you already have gmail account you should have Google doc.
The other is dropbox service that like another folder on your file manager, you can set the dropbox with your tablet or gadget too. So if you save your file and document you can easily access your document from anywhere. If you don’t have account on dropbox you can register via link above.
So remember to have backup of your document