I just read media indonesia newspaper with this photo in front, do you see what is wrong?
Yes, Paul Wolfowitz the World Bank chairman socks had hole in it, so I want to send him some brand new socks for about 1 dollar/3 pairs, where do I send them?
Picture from here
bener itu, aku setuju
wong kaos kaki kan nggak keliatan orang lain kalo dipake, ngapain bagus2?
I read your post and wshied I’d written it
HARE GENE INGET ARKARNA? pasti angkatan jadul nih 🙂
Mungkin orang US ngirit buat biayain perang irak 🙂
Mirip VOKALIS ARKARNA dulu waktu manggung di INDONESIA, apa orang US emang kalau masalah KAOS kaki NGIRIT kali ya 😀