Canon Digital Photo Professional

Canon DPP is program for photo editing provided by canon worldwide.

Today I try to find the installation software, but from canon support website told me that the installation is from CD provided when you buy canon camera. The website only provide the updater.

I ask my friendly friend that very helpful, he told me to download the latest DPP 3.5 from this site . With my very slow speed I manage to download all 64 mb in 2 hours :).

And it is really Canon DPP installation, I already installed and work like a charm 🙂

I want to share it to my friend in Indonesia, with minimum speed of connection.

Please download from here or from here

Hope its usefull


6 thoughts on “Canon Digital Photo Professional”

  1. I have Canon 40D camera and DPP software, which i got with camera.
    I opened photo in DPP and click “transfare to photoshop”.
    I got massage “DPP editor module is not responding”. Sometimes it shows me massage ” DPP viewer is not responding”.
    I don’t know how to fix such problem in order to transfare pictures into Photoshop. It works with .jpeg images, but doesn’t with .raw images.
    Everything worked with my old computer, which has Windows Vista. My new computer has Windows7, and i installed Photoshop CS3 on my new computer.
    Could you please help me to fix this issue?

  2. why don’t you copy the image via card reader? instead with cable?
    Copy to your Hd first dan open them with DPP.

    good luck

  3. I have a photo program i recieved with my canon Rebel XT digital camera. the last time i used it , it worked fine now i can not down load pics from the camera. An error message comes up ( DPP viewing Module has stoped working A problem caused the program to stop working correctly, windows will close the program


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