Jablay Chicken

serving size: 6
rating: 5/5 stars

1 whole chicken (2kg)
1 onion, chopped
2 tablespoons (or as you like) chopped fresh aan
1 sheet blog post
1 piece mail post, sliced 1cm long
2 teaspoons olive oil


put chicken and other ingredients in a large bowl, leave for 30 minutes
preheat hell into 10 million degrees
bake chicken in hell for 30 minutes
blay chicken for 2 seconds
bake chicken in hell for another 30 minutes
leave for a while until no more chicken and aan

never ever overdone the blay
aan are good only when they are fresh
combination of aan and onion may make you cry, use proper protections


Bon Apetite

thanks to Pahadi TataBoga

7 thoughts on “Jablay Chicken”

  1. Jablay chicken … hmmm… ada ada aja neh…yang gw tahu sih ayam kampus … wakkakaka :)) .. maaf…gak sopan…ayam kampus harus di bantai tuh…
    pusat perjinahan dan penampung hasrat para pria yang berniat tuk menuntu ilmu..eh malah berzina…masya allah….ingin deh dunia ini seperti di jaman rasululullah…bisa tanya langsung ma beliau..tapi mo gimana lagi….takdir dah di tentukan ku allah….so…hanya allah lah petunjuk bagi kita semua sekarang ini……….hiduplah bersama allah dalam keseharian mu…so allah gak akan pergi meninggalkanmu walau seper sejuta detik pun…its my experience….


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