My first DSLR, Pentax K100d

After reviewing some DSLR camera, finally I choose Pentax K100d, why? From my point of view

  1. With minimum budget, under 6 Million Rp, I must have new DSLR camera, camera bag, UV filter and battery. And external harddisk.
  2. I have old RICOH camera which lens can be mounted to my new camera
  3. This camera use SD card and I have a lot of SD card. I don’t choose DSLR camera with Compact flash storage, because this mean I have to invest more money in storage.
  4. I have search in google and compare this camera with other competitor like nikon and canon, and for reason no. 1, I choose Pentax k100d

So this is my 3rd day using this camera, and my comment is

This camera is awesome!, compare with my old digicam kodak dx6340 🙂

If you want to view some of my shoots, please check my multiply page

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