To bring back my pagerank and increase my adsense earning, I try new wordpress theme from, it’s 3 colomn theme with adsense ready call the blues
I really like it but even when I like this theme very much I think I have to mak some modifcation, the modification I made (if I remember)
- change the title so it will be SEO
- remove adsense at the top of post on single post, because I think it’s very too much ads on the post
- remove code “if this front page”
- add google analystic
- add feedburner
- customize links
- add some plugin so it can be SEO
Any suggestions?
Wahh themes yang kita ternyata sama 😀
sengaja, gw gak suka ada yang tampil hanya di 1 halaman saja
widget recent entries itu sangat redundan
secara halaman depan menampilkan itu
bulan dan tahun diletakkan setelah title? rada2 ngga hirarkis jadinya 😛