Finally after 41 days of latest wordpress release, I upgrade this blog, This how i do it:
1. Deactivate all plugin, This is what i read in wordpress documentation, but when I upgrade this blog my spam karma plugin still active. I forgot to deactivate, I hope this wont make any harm to my process
2. Upload all wordpress file to the server, I used ftp client to upgrade all file, before I try to upgrade via cpanel but it won’t work :(, so when I try with ftp client, upload is ok
3. After upload all files it;s time to upgrade, go to url of your homepage and type this then follow the instruction appear
4. Then your done
Good luck to all of you who want to upgrade
wah musti deactive ya? hehehe
gue ga deactive plugin apapun 🙂
*masih pake 1.5* 😉
Selamat upgrade aja deh…