Wired Network and wireless Network Dell Inspiron

This is my experience on my laptop


To activate wire network

Install compat wireless with this version


./scripts/driver-select alx


sudo make install

reboot and plug in your wire network


After you wired network up now its time fire up the wireless

download this file

It’s here: http://wielki.tk/vostro/debs/wlan_amd64.deb

sudo dpkg -i wlan_amd64.deb

first time it will fail then you have to do

sudo apt-get -f install

then it will get all file need to install wlan_amd64.deb

reboot your laptop


all done


4 thoughts on “Wired Network and wireless Network Dell Inspiron”

  1. Hi man, i need your help..

    I have a problem with temperature of my dell inspiron 14r 5420. I’ve tried installing the NVIDIA drivers and always give the same error in Ubuntu 14.10 (You do not appear to be using the NVIDIA X driver. Please edit your X configuration file (just run `nvidia-xconfig` as root), and restart the X server.). My temperature is between 71 and 72 degrees. I have already installed the Intel graphics driver and remains the problem, can you help me?

    • Hi, sorry for long response
      I don’t have 5420 now, but as far as I remember, for this nvidia you can try to install http://bumblebee-project.org/ to make your nvidia work.

      I remember I install this driver to make battery life last longer.

      Hope it’s help you


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